Saturday, November 1, 2008

Puke or Treat!

Matt and I decided that Sophia's best trick would be her excellent puking abilities, so we modified her trick or treating address to express that great (and ofttimes frightening) talent. Last night we went out with our Egets for some fun and a little candy. Sophia had more of a Halloween outfit than a costume, and she was mostly cuddled up next to Daddy in the snugli wrapped in a cozy blanket. It was a very cool night, but refreshing and very fun to see all the kids in costumes -- particularly the very little ones being wheeled around in wagons! All the families of one cul-de-sac all got together at the entrance to it and had a little communal gathering while they passed out candy -- I thought it was a great idea. Bella was also dressed for the occasion with a cute, albeit bothersome, tu-tu. All in all a good night with leftover candy for ice cream making later on!

Here's Bella, one of the Eget brood in her pink tu-tu.

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