Saturday, October 4, 2008

Of Burps and Pukes

Things in the Schultz household are pretty bumpy right now. We are all getting fairly exhausted with the reflux symptoms. Poor Sophia is now on a new medication to try and get it under control. This is day two of Prevacid, but it doesn't seem to be working all that well. Sophia rarely tolerates a sleep in her crib because laying down just exacerbates the reflux. Matt spent most of the night up with her to let me get some extra sleep -- the night before was a rough one for me. Sophia also gets hungry more often since she isn't keeping down all of what we feed her. Often Laura will nurse Sophia, endure spit up and pukies -- we're talking major ones that come out the nose, and then have a ravenously hungry baby at an almost empty breast which makes both mommy and Sophia frustrated and fussy. That's the lowdown from the reflux side.

On another note, Sophia is beautiful and still quite chubby and healthy despite the reflux (thank God!). I don't know how much she weighs now, but a week ago (at her 2 week doctor visit) she had already surpassed her birth weight at a whopping 9lbs. 15 oz. She also makes a really adorable face (Laura's favorite) when she is getting ready to be fed; it is a little "o" with her mouth. Actually, it is very reminiscent of Zoolander's Blue Steel pose. She has gorgeous big eyes that are a bit mysterious in that you can't quite tell their color. They are dark and grayish, but sometimes they look blue and other times they look perhaps a bit brown. I can't wait to take her with me everywhere, but everything is extremely unpredictable with her right now since her schedule is run by what remains in her stomach, but she is just 19 days old. In a couple of weeks Sophia will be having a little party in her honor -- a high-tea at the Ritz Carlton in Atlanta with her aunts, cousins, and grandmothers! We can't wait! There will be plenty of pictures ;)

She is just so adorable!

1 comment:

Margie said...

Oh, I feel your pain! Honestly, we don't miss the reflux years...AT ALL. Three years of it was more than enough; Taylor was the only one who didn't seem to be plagued with the issue. Hang in there! I think it is great to be able to laugh it. She is beautiful--when she's not puking--and most grow out of it within that first year. So look on the bright side, only 11 more months to go?? :-) Nah, it will end before then, and in the meanwhile, there are now tons of reflux support groups on the internet with more than you could possibly want to know about it all. We love you guys!