Well, this is Sophia's sentiment at least. Cobalt's take is a bit... different.
Sophia has been enjoying the beautiful cool fall weather with park outings and her first time on a swingset. Today we visited a generous and warm refugee family from Iraq. Sophia dazzled them with her dancing ability as she boogied to some Arab tunes. The family took great care of Sophia as they served us lunch -- Sophia really liked the Iraqi food when she took a moment from her busy play with the Iraqi kids. She also really likes to feed herself. She gets better at it every time!
No Sophias were harmed in the making of this video.
It is hard to believe it has been over a year now since Sophia first showed her little chubby face. We are so thankful for her presence in our lives. She is an incredibly happy baby and makes us laugh and melts our hearts daily.
Sophia Wyona has been walking for a few months now and has progressed to a tentative run or maybe speed walking or trotting. She is getting pretty fast and likes to do laps around the dining room table. Her favorite activities are being chased, taking baths, and watching Baby Signing Time. She gets very upset when she thinks she is being denied a bath. If we start running the water, she gets so excited and will run into the bathroom ready to be stripped and plopped in the water. If, however, we run the water and then go get a towel or washcloth out of the hall closet, this gives her the impression that we are walking away from the bath and she won't be having one -- she wails! It is pretty funny. This is definitely her favorite part of the day. As for the Baby Signing Time videos, she will constantly request to watch them by signing "baby" and "please". (Both signs she learned from the video.) She also frequently signs eat, drink, wash hands, boat, sleep, banana, all done, ball, socks, shoes, more, hat, car, cracker, and dog. Her first word is Cobalt. It sounds more like Co-aal or Co-gaal, but she definitely knows that is the word we use for our pet cat. I'm not surprised that this is her first word; Cobalt gets in trouble a lot. But they have a sweet relationship -- Cobalt tolerates her, while Sophia adores him. She will often try to sit beside him on our window sills. Cobalt will back up against the side of the window squishing himself to get as far away as possible. It looks hysterical. But Cobalt does have his cuddly moments and will allow Sophia to "pet" him aka "pat" (often not so gently). Today Sophia has also really been using "da-da" and "ma-ma" a lot -- a breakthrough! For a while Cobalt was the main event. He really still is.
Thank you to everyone for celebrating Sophia's first year with us; she loves all her new toys, and we love all your prayers. Please enjoy this year in the life of Sophia:
One Month Old
Two Months Old
Three Months Old
Four Months Old
Four and a half Months Old
Five Months Old
Six Months Old
Seven Months Old
Eight Months Old (This was the time of the scary eye problem that turned out to be not so scary.)